Friday, February 5, 2010

Craft musings...

I often wonder to myself, why do I do this?  When I'm in the middle of a particularly irritating, difficult, or monotonous project, I ask, "Why do I put myself through this misery?  I say that it's because I enjoy it, but I'm certainly not enjoying it now!"  I've also heard people talk about being a "process" crafter or a "product" crafter.  If one is a process crafter, they are doing it because they simply enjoy making things.  If one is a product crafter, they enjoy the finished product, but may not be wild about seaming knitted pieces together or sewing borders on to a quilt.  I haven't decided which of those I am, because I really geek out sometimes about certain parts of the process, but I like admiring the finished product as well.  Although, many times, it takes me so long to finish a project that by the time it is a finished product I've moved on to the next project in my head.  I do have a couple of ideas about why I craft, however.

I'm a huge fan of multitasking.  I crosstitched and embroidered a lot when I was younger while I was watching TV, or doing other things that didn't require the use of my hands.  Lately, I've been knitting like a crazy person.  I find that the more I do it, the more I want to.  It's a vicious cycle, but I'm not complaining!  I love to watch movies, but often feel like if I sit down and spend two hours watching a movie without doing anything else, even if I like the movie, I've wasted time.  I solve this problem by knitting while watching movies.  My favorite kind of evening is one spent at home watching a movie with my knitting, and maybe my husband.  :)

It's harder to quilt while doing other things, for me.  I'm relatively new to quilting in particular, and sewing on a machine in general, so I have to really pay attention to what is going on.  Especially when sewing clothes.  I recently had a run in with a pair of flannel pajama pants that I'd rather not speak about.  I think the reason that I sew is because I enjoy creating one of a kind quilts.  I can make the same pattern 50 times and have it look different every time.  I haven't sewn too much in the way of clothes, but I do have a little bit of an arrogant side when it comes to sewing.  Not too many people my age sew, at least that I know, so if I wear an article of clothing that I've made, and someone says, "Oh wow, your dress is really cute!"  I generally reply with, "Thanks, I made it!"  I should probably work on toning down my pride when I say that, because the stuff I make really isn't all that exciting, but I have a problem.

I also craft because I love the look on a person's face when I give them something that they know no one else will have.  I give most of the things that I make away, mostly because I'm still working through a huge list of things that people have requested I make them ever since they found out I knit and sew.  My family and my husband's family are both full of unique people, so they really appreciate receiving something that will make then stand out.  That's what they tell me, anyway.

Lastly, I craft because it keeps me fairly sane.  I find it very relaxing to spend a day sewing or knitting.  Most times.  I have also found that if I'm in a particularly trying situation, if I pull out my knitting it causes a calm to wash over me, to be totally cliche.  It makes me concentrate on something else rather than whatever annoying thing is happening at the time.

I want to know why you, our readers, craft.  Or, conversely, if you don't craft, I want to know why you don't.  Do you wish you could, and want someone to teach you?  Do you think crafting is totally a waste of time, money, and energy?  Or do you, like me, get a warm fuzzy from giving someone a unique, homemade gift?  Let us know by clicking the comments button at the bottom of this post, we would love to hear from you!


  1. Hey Alex-I love your blog post. Very well written. Many of the things you wrote are very true for me as well. (I really WANT to take up knitting, btw, but I have yet to make time to be taught. The books don't seem to work.)
    I too have a little too much pride when it comes to sewing/quilting things. Not many people our age sew!
    I started quilting because I was a mommy with two very little children, and I needed something to help me feel like I was accomplishing something other than feeding, cleaning, laundry, more cleaning, and just getting through each day.
    Quilting is therapy for me. (Not to say that there are times I have not become enraged at a project that refuses to turn out right. That usually means that I must put it away for awhile.) I absolutely LOVE choosing fabric, hunting for my next potential project from my own pattern collection and stash, or in a store or online. I love every stage of a project, and I make it a point to have a few projects going at once, that way if I get tired of piecing, I can work on some applique, etc. The one thing that gets monotonous for me is quilting a large quilt.
    I think that crafting with a purpose, especially crafting things that will be given or passed down to the special people in our lives is a worthwhile investment, especially those crafts like sewing, quilting or knitting. There are some types of crafting I find frankly a little useless unless you are making things to sell, like working with wood to make decorations. I love the crafts that make something useful and comforting, like clothing or my favorite: quilts. And that it can help us not go nuts during these long Maine winters doesn't hurt either. : ) Blessings!

  2. Hello!
    What you were saying about having to multi-task is completely true for me too! It kills me to simply sit and watch a movie I have to be doing something!
    I craft because I like to! Plain and simple!

  3. This gives me pause to consider Why I love and still do it today! When I was a little girl I was taught some of the crafts... Girl Scouts allowed me to make a puppet and even have a Puppet Show. As a young person I was thaught to crochet by my Grandmother! As a teen I learned to use a sewing machine at high school and that turned into a love of the sewing machine and I have sewed nearly every day of my life since. I took lessons for different kinds of clothing construction... even tailoring! With that background I felt I had within me the confidence to do anyting that would come my way... then came QUILTING! I am mostly self taught there. However, I have taken several classes for specific techniques and learned something new in each of them. With all of this... Why?? Because now it gives me identity! It gives me pride! It gives me friends! IT gives me sanity! I love it, love it and love it even like I love my family! It is part of the fabric that is my life!
