Thursday, November 17, 2011

Project Linus

Today I would like to tell you a little bit about an organization that is special to me. Many of you may have heard of Project Linus, but many of you may not have, so let's talk about it!

Project Linus is an organization that collects blankets made by volunteers and delivers them to children in need in the area. For example, blankets will be given to hospitals, fire departments, and schools. The website lists statistics like the fact that there are 368 total chapters that collect and deliver blankets, and there have been over 4 million blankets delivered so far! That's a lot of blankets!

How can you help this worthy organization? The first way is to make blankets. This quote is directly from Project Linus's website:
Our volunteers, known as “blanketeers,” provide new, handmade, washable blankets to be given as gifts to seriously ill and traumatized children, ages 0-18. It is Project Linus’ policy to accept blankets of all sizes, depending on local chapter needs. All blanket styles are welcome, including quilts, tied comforters, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans, and receiving blankets in child-friendly colors. Always remember that blankets must be homemade, washable, free of pins, and come from smoke-free environments due to allergy reasons.
You can make blankets and drop them off to us at the shop, or many Marden's stores are also a drop off point, but make sure you call and ask before you drop off a car full of blankets.

A second way to help is to donate money to the organization. You can talk to your chapter's coordinator for information on that, BUT, for a limited time, we are having a raffle in the shop to raise money for the Northern Aroostook chapter of Project Linus. The prize for the raffle is 100 fat quarters, 2 quilting books, and 10 1 yard cuts of fabric. The tickets are 1 for $1, 5 for $3, and an arm's length for $5. We would be happy to fill out some tickets for you if you can't make it into the shop as well. Please let us know if you are interested in supporting Project Linus in this way!

So to recap, Project Linus is a great way to get involved with charity, and you can drop off your blankets (or monetary donations!) to us at the shop. Please ask us if you are interested in getting involved with this charity!

Friday, November 11, 2011

For November: The Friday Bag!

Good Friday, everyone, and Happy Veteran's Day!  I hope that those of you who know people who have served or are still serving remember to thank them for their service today.

Today we at Garden Gate Fabrics would like to present November's bag, The Friday Bag!  This pattern has two options for your bag, either a quilted option or a reversible option.  I chose to make the reversible option, because the only thing better than a new bag is TWO new bags, right?!  We all know that I'm a bag lady!  Here is my bag, done in bright spring/summer prints because I'm sad about the onset of cold weather, although that does mean more cozy crafting time for me.  Not that I let things like outside chores get in the way of my crafting in the summer time, as you may well know.

This would be one side of the bag, and it features another orange pocket like the one shown on the other side of the outside, if that makes sense?  You may notice a little loop there that's looking kind of sad, that is there in the event that I find the perfect buttons for this bag and sew them on.  I haven't started looking for buttons yet, which may be contributing to the fact that it doesn't have any buttons on it.

This is the reverse of the bag, with pockets on the sides instead of the front and back.  You'll notice another sad buttonless loop on this side of the bag; two loops get added, and two buttons get added as well, since it's reversible.  Cool, right?

So of course I didn't measure the bag, or even try it on my person to give you an idea of how big it is.  But I would guess that it would fit nicely on my shoulder, and hit me about at my natural waist, if that makes sense.  It's a good sized bag, but not huge.  We will be having the class for this bag on Saturday, November 26.  This is the Saturday after American Thanksgiving, just as a headsup.  The cost for the kit and class will be $42.  We will also be offering to cut your bag out for you ahead of time, at a cost of $10 per hour.  You will need to pick out your fabrics ahead of time, however, as I won't have time to cut on the day of the class. :)  We are recommending that you come pick out your fabrics ahead of time and cut them before the class, if you can, because that will allow you more time for sewing.  Please call the shop at (207)764-3800 to sign up for the class, as space is limited!  We hope to see you there.  Thanks for checking out this month's bag!