Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thrummed mitten pattern

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to let you know that I am now a published pattern designer!  Whoo!  Really, I took three different mitten patterns and put them together, and now I'm pretending to be a pattern designer. :) I gave the three patterns credit, though, so I can't get in trouble, right?...
I put the pattern I used for the thrummed mittens up on ravelry.  If you're not on ravelry and you're a knitter or crocheter, you should be!  It's kind of like facebook, except everyone is a crafter.  You can look up patterns that you are thinking about doing (or currently doing), and get other people's notes and input on them.  It's pretty great.  If you are interested in viewing this pattern in pdf form, you'll need to sign in to ravelry (or create an account), and find me.  My user name is alexandy.  Then you can click on "my original designs" next to my name, and you'll see the pattern!  Alternatively, you can go under the patterns tab and search for "thrummed mittens with gusset thumb" and you should find it.  I would love to hear your thoughts if you try these.  They weren't that hard, just a little time consuming to make all those little puffy thrums.  Happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You probably won't go to jail!
